Carolina Kecskemethy
“From the intermittent trips...
From that look back, when wanting to discover and understand the world, the look was passionate about the observed object, still, immobile, but inviting to undertake new displacements, full of risks, relating to each other and to the viewer in the game of their forms, in the intensity of its color, in its chiaroscuro.
From those diffuse landscapes wrapped in shadows of memory, where every drawing, every image ends up being just the approach to a note, to a record of those dissolved, distant pieces, which suddenly continue to be so close. The unfinished codes of memory.
Yesterday in the still life, today in the line, tomorrow in space.”
Born 1960 in Lima, plastic artist living in Berlin, exhibitions at ICPNA Miraflores (Lima), CC Inca Garcilaso (Lima), CC of the Municipality of Miraflores (Lima), Lucía de La Puente Gallery (Lima), Forum Gallery (Lima) , Vértice Gallery (Lima), I. National Biennial of Peru (Lima), PARC Fair (Lima), ArT Lima Fair (Lima), Museum der Dinge (Berlin), Sammlung Scharf Gerstenberg Museum (Berlin), Zeughaus Deutsches Museum (Berlin ), Kunstwerke / Volksbühne, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (Berlin), Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (Berlin), Kunstamt Kreuzberg/Bethanien (Berlin), Galerie Nord (Berlin), Ulme35 Interkulturanstalten (Berlin), Ortstermin Art Festival (Berlin), Jewish Museum (Berlin)/Jewish Museum (Vienna), Bundesakademie (Wolfenbüttel), Galerie Ursula Walter (Dresden), Galerie Bokushin (Tokyo), Belluard Kunsfestival (Fribourg), Frauenmuseum (Bonn), Museum o World Culture (Göteborg), Schedhalle ( Zürich), Textilmuseum (St. Gallen), Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella), CC de J Ávea (Alicante), ARCO Fair VIP program (Madrid).